Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Holly Boy Hunt 2023

We haven't had a good old fashioned Holly Boy hunt here on MHICTY for a couple of years now so I did a bit of internet scavenging and came up with a few new items!

If you aren't familiar with all the Holly Boy Hype where have you been?!  Check out these past posts to get in the know...It's quite the saga! (The Holly Boy 2020 and Holly Boy Sightings 2021)

So first up are these Finger -tip paper towels and soaps available now on ebay for 24 bucks:

The box cover says the set includes 10 scented towels and 3 cakes of guest soap. the towels are scented but not the soap?  Weird, but I am going to believe the soaps smell like the Holly Boy!  I think his lovely little self would smell like a crisp winter day in the wilderness, fresh snow, a pinch of fir tree and a dollop of raspberry jam.

Also included is a card with an extremely watered down and misconstrued blurb about The Holly Boy:
"I was conceived through the imagination of a little girl who could not understand why a living tree had to be sacrificed to make a holly wreath, so the holly wreath turned into a "Holly Boy".
Let me bring into your home the Christmas spirit and let me bring to one and all the happiness that you deserve."

Shall we Holly Boy fanatics pick this apart!?  First off, Linda never gave a rat's ass about the death of the holly tree being sacrificed.  As a matter of fact, the story doesn't make a point of saying the holly tree died.  It just says branches were cut to make a wreath.  And I quote:  " Is the Holly Wreath happy?  she wondered.  Just a few days ago it was part of a beautiful, living holly tree.  But Daddy cut off the branches and tied them together to make Christmas wreaths.  How can those holly branches be happy...all cut up and tied so tightly!"
I only have access to part of the story through the pages photographed on Always Crave Cute.  Maybe in the intro there is a brutal tree slaughter and Linda is traumatized early on.
Either way this little card included with a set of soap reveals a deeper, darker side to The Holly Boy Story.  Linda definitely later in life founded one of those eco-activist monkey wrencher groups.

Also let's talk about the over worldly promise included on the card claiming that if you let him, The Holly Boy will bring to one and all the happiness that they deserve.  I mean.  That sounds like some some Christmas voodoo.  I never knew the Holly Boy to possess the power of life fulfillment...
maybe it's within the soap!
Use Holly Boy soap and all your wildest dreams will come true!

And speaking of soap, I also found these Holly Boy Bars with a colorful print:

I have the feeling these soaps contain no magical powers...Just look at them all dry and blotchy.

Last found on the hunt is this set of notecards, envelopes, and beverage coasters :

There are no secrets revealed within these items.

Those are cute envelopes though!

The Holly Boy hunt, as always, leaves us with more questions than answers.....

(I have a Pinterest sub-board called Holly Boy Sightings if you want to see a visual catalog of everything)