Monday, December 04, 2023

Seasoning's "Greed"ings!

It's that time of year again where we are pressured into spending, spending, and more spending on crap we don't want to buy for people that don't want the crap we bought.

Mr. Husband got me this vintage mechanical bell ringing Santa a couple of years ago and I thought he would look great paired with a black pot stashed with cash, Salvation Army Style.  I don't think the Salvation Army is being greedy at Christmas, so don't misunderstand me there.  But I do see this vignette with Santa representing corporations and vindictive advertising ringing a bell pulling on nostalgic heartstrings to fatten their pot in the name of Christmas.  
That probably sounds like I am a real 'Bah Hum Bug' Scrooge but hey, it's just how I look at how the majority of the world treats Christmas. One big spending spree on junk.  Don't get me wrong.  I really like Christmas if it wasn't for the gifts part of it.  I like watching movies, eating tasty fattening carbs, and seeing Christmas decorations and lights.  I even like having a few gifts under the tree at my home.  I just don't think all of the other random gifts to other random family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, mailman, hair dresser, barista, dog groomer, garbage collector, or Amway salesman is sane.
It's a lot of pressure to shop for that 'perfect' gift for multitudes of people during a time of year already full of other obligations and festivities.  This usually means generic overpriced stuff is bought to just fill the quota.  I can't get with that.

In order to not appear as a whack job to the rest of the gift devouring- money wasting lemmings of society I like to give just little tokens to family and friends such as handmade gifts or homemade treats so I'm not breaking the bank but still participating.

If you have been a reader of MHICTy for some time you are already familiar with this lament as it's close to being the same each year.  Don't take it personally if you love to shop and spend and gifts are your 'love language'.  It's just a hot button for me and makes a time of year that should be enjoyable quite the opposite.  Now that I've said my peace and got this season started with the gusto of a piece of old prechewed gum, I have several Holiday upcoming posts celebrating the great part of Christmas...Vintage Decorations!


  1. You're right and I like that saying - it is exactly what it feels like. I don't have small children - it's a budget Christmas for us and we'll be fine. The ads and stuff don't affect me anymore. I just let them scroll on by...

  2. Debby~
    I typically activate "mute" during the ads but sometimes some get loose. If I have to hear about the new TITANIUM iPhone one more time....! Ugh.

