Friday, April 21, 2006

Hooray! Yipee! Woo Hoo!

from the swapatorium archives

I am as giddy as this gal in her aluminum pig tails...matter of fact, I might just have to make me a set of those and run around acting a fool! I have been asked to be a monthly contributor to, in my opinion, one of the BEST blogs around...Swapatorium! If you have never been over there...Go!...Go Now! I'll be here when you get back.

I will be doing a post once a month on vintage recipes and foods that I make. My first post will be next Friday, June 28th.

I was browsing some of the swapatorium archives and came across a few things that I thought my dear readers would LOVE! Something along the lines of this....only, putting my offerings to shame!

Fab vintage mail order and even more fab vintage mail order !!!!! Enjoy!!!


  1. Surprised they didn't snatch you up sooner - you will be the perfect writer for Swapatorium! Looking forward to reading your first article!

  2. i was actually asked a few weeks ago, i was just holding out on you all! ha ha ha!

  3. How flippin' cool is that?! I love that site!

  4. Yeahhhhhh!!! Congratulations, I can't think of a better person for the job than you!! I will eagerly look forward to what you will cook up next :))

  5. Congratulations, how very cool! Can't wait to see what you have in store! :)
