Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I am terribly distraught to learn that the Krispy Kreme in my town is going to be gutted of all it's cool midcentury neatness to be turned into boring cookie-cutter blahness. I thought I would share a photo of the sign before it's gone:
And for the fun of it, here are a few more cool signs I've photographed in past years. These are located around the Ocala, FL area.


  1. Cool sign. The one in Gainesville, FL looks like that. I believe there would be riots and mayhem in the streets if KK wanted to take down the sign.

  2. You should totally go there When they are getting ready to gut it and ask them if you can go looking and maybe have a few things...Those signs are awesome.
    Have a great day.

  3. I love those signs! Thinks... would look good in my garden....And it would piss the neighbours off :-)

  4. That's a crying shame that they are tearing the original signage down. :( They re-did OUR KK ages go...i had actually forgotten how cool the old one looked as i am blinded by the siren-like call of the neon HOT DONUTS NOW sign blazing in the window (and thanking the Goddess that KK is WAAAAAAY on the other side of town, else i become even more seal-shaped. LOL!) It still has a kind of retro vibe, but nothing like those perfect little crowned K's promising glazed goodness!

    I hope Florida realizes the importance of their's like HISTORY, man! No one does that "look" like Florida.

  5. I wonder if their is a sign museum that could rescue the sign? A pettition? I hate when the old charming stuff is replaced! Has the whole world gone GAP?

  6. Krispy Kreme is making huge inroads into London now, I think on the back of getting sort of famous through the Simpsons - and they are indeed branding themselves in this vaguely retro way. They sell diner mugs with their retro-looking logo, give away those paper diner-boy hats, & generally - in terms of the rest of the landscape, where there clearly aren't any other signs of the kind you've posted - look very "retro Midcentury American." So it's a surprise to hear they're tearing down their ACTUAL retro inheritance.

  7. I can't believe they are taking down the old sign! Okay, I live in So. Cal. where they tear down everything old and cool, I can believe it.

    I love all the old signs! They would make cool note cards!

  8. Wow.. I haven't been here in AGES! Love the signs from Ocala. I spent a part of my life there :)

  9. Oh I hate it when they do that. Why don't "they" (whoever they are) get the beauty of vintage?

  10. aw, what a shame! They're losing such character.
