Monday, June 25, 2007

pumpkinbutt nursery

As part of the 2 year shindig of mhicty i am giving a tour of another room in my real house (last year's here). This time it's pumpkinbutt's nursery. i sadly disassembled it last weekend. i tried my best to keep him baby-fied as long as possible but he's just not into pink fuzzy old teddy bears and rabbits like i am. (above image is from inside of the infatuation over these little darlings is best not discussed, i would be committed)

here is his crib.. yes, it's old and it's not up to code.. i can fit a coke can between the rails...he's fine...really! so on to the bedding. i made everything from an old white chenille polka dotted twin sized bed spread. bought both the crib and bed spread at thrift stores. actually... bought those curtains at a thrift store years earlier as well.

awww... there are the old cutesy fuzzy critters! the little bookshelf is the top section of a old china cabinet, got it at a yard sale for 4 bucks. the dresser was a hand me down. i repainted all the mismatched furniture so it would seem cohesive.

the laundry hamper (seen left) and the "Baby Tenda". get it? baby tenda? ah ha! got both of these from different antique malls years apart. i have had a thing for old baby stuff longer than the desire to have a little bugger to put in them. years ago i used the hamper for magazine storage. the Baby Tenda is a pretty neat contraption really. the legs, seat and foot rest are all adjustable and the back of the seat converts it into a flat table.

this is the top of the Baby Tenda. those images are so flippin' cute i decided to make the wall hangings based after them.

one of four said wall hangings. they are made of white foam board (lightweight to reduce any injuries) and acrylic paint ( no lead paint here! just in case he decided to gnaw on them) i used a projector to get the images on the foam board, traced them in with a pencil and painted them in the chosen color scheme.

one day when i have my own little craft room i plan on hanging his head/foot board and cutie critters on the walls.

well, now it's on to transformers....


  1. I adore those little nursery creature images too!That is one adorable baby room! I know what you mean about keepin' em' baby-fied! I took the side off of my littlest ones crib and made it a "daybed" ,this weekend Ikea delivers her new big girl bed(boo-hoo).My oldest baby recently decided she needed the pink walls to go away in her room. The big room re-decorate,is quite a milestone!

  2. Fabulous stuff. Glad to see you posting once again. I had been so impressed by your blog that I now have one of my own for the kids to remember what we did this summer. Between you and the marvelous Woof Nanny at blogger, I too am now a blogging Mom and my kids are loving it. Thanks again.

  3. Cute, cute. I've been decorating my little girl's onesies with iron on transfers I made from old nursery decals like these. They grow up so quick! I have such a short time left to impose my decorating and fashion tastes on my wee one while she's too young to assert herself. Then she'll break my heart by wanting Bratz dolls or something equally ridiculous, I suppose.

  4. Welcome back! I'm not sure how you're able to do all you do and then share the fun stuff with us too! But, I'm so glad you do. Make sure you take lots of pictures and keep all the cool memories intact, because Sweetheartville is so right, they grow up so CRAZY quick! Your son will be heading off to college and you'll be thinking, "Yikes, I just redid his nursery...."

  5. So glad you are back!!!! i have missed you! My baby crib is just the same. Of course not as cute as yours, but my mom saved it for me and both my boys slept in it. I also have my original high chair that both of my boys used as well!! Love it!

  6. Just ran across your blog--so cute! I am sure your house *is* cuter than mine! :) Love all the vintage...

  7. I'm delighted to see you return. I only discovered your blog by chance soon after your break. I must admit when I first browsed through your archives I felt a surge of validation... and answers to my own question to self...."why do I find myself going on ebay just to GAZE upon vintage sundresses, childrens playclothes, knick-knacky starbursts, sewing patterns, kitchenware, school workbooks, anything that features those darn cute doe eyed animals, christmas kultch, halloween anything. I have always felt awkward fessing up to my friends that I buy my kids Vintage Fisher Price (A weakness.) Well, thanks for all of the work that you put into your blog -it's absolutely brillant. It allowed me to have a very cool moment of realizing "Whoa, I'm not alone after all!!

  8. Oh my gosh. I just love EVERYTHING about this nursery. I know you hate to take it down. I am so glad to see you back. I've missed reading and viewing your stuff.

  9. Oh, I'm so glad you're back!

    That nursery is cute, cute, CUTE! I love the vintage theme. The wall-hangings are amazing, and I definitely share your love of the decal creatures.

    I did a little bit of a vintage theme nursery, too (see this set, if you feel like it), but not quite as well as you!

  10. Hi! awesome vintage stuff you got there! my dad just fixed up my old baby tender that's seen a thing or two . . we were wondering what the value is on it . . I can't find a thing on the internet about it!!! Do you mind if I ask how much it is? And how old is it? Mine's actually from the 60's. Please email me :
    Thanks SO much!
