Friday, December 31, 2010

goody tins

this year i revamped some old ugly cookie tins for my christmas gift goodies.

i bought tins from a thrift store and painted them with flat black spray paint. i had an idea that it might work like chalk board paint...not so much! so new plan was to highly embellish them with loads of ribbon and a cut out of a funny christmas card on top.
Inside i made coconut macaroons....

and peanut butter fudge....

i added my touch by drizzling everything with chocolate.


  1. Both of the delectable treats were heaven. I enjoyed every morsel that graced my lips. I am truly amazed by your continuing culinary talents. A big plus for the decorative packaging.

  2. Those goody tins are adorable, you did a great job on them! And I love all the robot tree ornaments too!!

  3. Oh do you have a recipe for the peanut butter fudge?! My boyfriend loved some we bought in the UK but cant find nice fudge here in the Netherlands.
