Monday, October 31, 2011

belated halloween wishes

i can't let halloween go by without at least some representation here, even if it's late and minimal. so here is the pumpkin for this year:

presented in "spooky-lit-vision":

and here is a last minute idea that pumpinbutt came up with that i thought was supercool: (it is on the back)

i had this idea to try random black paint rubbed all over the pumpkin but wasn't entirely happy with it... kinda reminded me of that cheesy faux wall paint technique of sponge painting that was so popular in 1992.


  1. Happy H-ween to you !! Wish I could see the pics!

  2. not sure what the H the problem is!!!! i have been having difficulty posting pics for some time now and it is really annoying! i post pics from picasa and one moment they are there the next not... sometimes it won't even allow the pics to go through at all... some "memcache form restoration blah blah blah...." error!
    ok, composure....
    hopefully these pics will show up. i tried putting them up another way that is multi-step and almost as equally annoying....

  3. Ha Ha.....I am glad you took time to re-post the pics for your devoted fans!!!
    I love the stuff you do!
