Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Frosty Fix Up

 I bought this guy off the side of the road at a run down thrift store many years ago.  His black paint was all scrapped up, someone had colored his hat band with a red and green crayon and some tiny critters with sharp teeth chewed a hole near the base of his back.  For years he remained in this state and I didn't even put him in the Christmas decor mix, he just stayed in the garage....
Finally this was his year.  I cleaned him up, removed the crayon debris and with the help of the multi surface paint made by Martha he is all spiffed up!

I couldn't do anything about the critter hole... He just has to keep his bum to the "fire" and pretend it melted off!


  1. Very cute! I'm glad he got to join in the Christmas fun this year!

  2. I really think he is a cutie...more so now with his pimped out paint job.
