Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Creepy Vulture Pumpkin

 Here is the pumpkin this year!  Inspired by a Martha Stewart design.  I had to alter the pattern and instructions a bit.  The primary cage pumpkin is suppose to very large and the vulture is made from a smaller pumpkin. My cage pumpkin is more of a medium-ish, so I had to cut off the bottom section of the cage template.  For the vulture I was not going to buy another pumpkin to just use 1/10 of it, sooo.... I improvised some.  I made the vulture out of black craft foam with skewer sticks hot glued to it's back and jabbed them into the base.

I added a few ideas and touches of my own.  I painted a spider web design  all over the outside of the pumpkin with black acrylic paint.

I also added a nest on the bottom of the "cage" made from black Halloween hay (it's like pillow stuffing just black in color) and Spanish moss.  I cut up a small plastic skeleton and placed in a picked -over-bone-pile.

I found a few pumpkins of Halloween past for your viewing pleasure:
 I guess I didn't carve a pumpkin the other years due to a pumpkin shortage crisis?  Not sure...

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