Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Hall Decking 2013

I am the ghost of Christmas future sent back in time to remedy there not being a Christmas decor post for 2013!  

Every year I like to look through my past Holiday decor posts to get inspiration from previous arrangements.  What things worked and what things looked like reindeer poop. 

I noticed that 2013 didn't represent so I looked through my old photos and realized why...the pics were really crappy and the decor was no mug of hot cocoa.

I still wanted to put some holiday cheer up for retrospect so I picked out a few photos that kinda work.

So here is Christmas 2013 by way of 2020.

🎄  🎄  🎄

This is all I have that isn't blurry or lit by a wonky strand of Christmas lights.
And in the scheme of my decorating it is not good at all.  Overcrowded in some areas, sparse in some, and not balanced in most.  I still wanted to include it so I can gloat about how much I have improved since!

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