Greetings from Springfield,_____ USA!
Orlando,FL Universal Studios that is!
We just got back from seeing the Simpsons Expansion!
Kang & Kodos' Twirl 'N' Hurl
And the townscape has been increased from not just the Kwik-E-Mart but to several other familiar sites!
Duff Beer Garden
Duff Beer Garden
(complete with the seven duffs: Sleazy, Queazy, Edgy, Surly, Tipsy, Remorseful, and Dizzy)
Bumblebee Man's Taco Truck
Inside is a bar area where you can get a Flaming Moe (no cough syrup though, gotta bring your own!)
We bought a Lard Lad Ginormous Donut, "The Big Pink" for 5 bucks! It was super yummy!
Me chillin' with the Mil!
These photos are only a tiny bit of what is there. Inside Moe's is a large life-sized Barney with a beer mug, outside is Chief Wiggum and his cop car crashed into a fire hydrant, Jebediah Springfield statue, Duffman, human costumed Simpson's characters for photo ops, several eateries, Buzz Cola and yes, even wadded beef....
OMG! I'd never heard of this before! Guess they'll have to avoid installing a "tramampoline! trabapoline!"