Monday, February 28, 2022

Yeti Spaghetti

Here is our Snow Day craft ....circa 2012!
This post has been sitting in the deep freezer of drafts for a decade!
During PB's elementary years he would get craft kits, science kits, build your own robot kits, grow a dinosaur plant kits, all sorts of these boredom buster brain booster kinda things for Christmas.  We would stash them away for summer fun since during the school year his brain was already busting with homework.

This little guy ( which PB named Yeti Spaghetti) was one of the kits that PB and I made. The making part was balling up sparkly blue air dry clay and squashing it onto the plastic body form.  I think I got it at Michael's as a stocking stuffer. PB also got a make your own snow kit, so we put the two together.  The igloo was made from a piece of styrofoam.

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