Friday, May 04, 2018

Bourbon Cabin

During the week of Thanksgiving we decided to go some place far from home and kinda in the middle of nothing. Some place that was not near the hustle and bustle of too much to do.  Some place that didn't have the likely hood of being 90 degrees outside like it is at home.  Some place that we all could actually relax and enjoy the Thanksgiving vacation without family guilt obligations and disorganization.  We found the most gorgeous, amazing, and perfect place in Mount Eden, Kentucky! 

A little cabin nestled in the woods.  PB and I spent some time perusing Airbnb and stumbled on this gem.

 The upstairs loft has a comfy bedroom for Mr. Husband and I, while downstairs has a cushy couch that PB planted himself in. There was also a complete kitchen, which is good because there aren't any restaurants for miles around.  The nearest grocery store is in the next county over so we made a grocery run at the beginning of the week where we all picked out favorite snacks and foods. 

Check out the fancy bathroom!  

So like I was saying we wanted to find someplace in the middle of no where.  This is the view from the front door of the cabin.  Miles of woods and mountainside! 

This cabin was so completely perfect for us.  There were loads of leisurely things to do.  The acres of woods surrounding the cabin are available for exploring.  Right next to our cabin was this tiny lake which PB loved going "boating" in.  On the morning we left it had iced over about a half inch (it was 10 degrees!) and he then had a good time whacking the ice breaking it up.

Isn't this beautiful?  It looks like something from The Hobbit!

PB in nature, crossing the Robert E. Lee natural bridge!

The owner's of the cabin live a bit further down the path and brought us up a big stack of wood to burn in the fireplace or outside fire pit.  I basically lived next to the fireplace for most of the time we were there reading a big stack of vintage home magazines I brought along. We also roasted marshmallows and played a few rounds of Ladder Golf (supplied by the cabin).

And here is the proof.  The goal of the vacation was to "just take it easy" and read the National Geographics like Andy had said!

Here is a link to this cabin:

The unfortunate thing about staying at the Bourbon Cabin was we were only able to stay up until Thanksgiving day.  The cabin had been previously booked for the last bit of the week we were going to be out of town.  We decided to see this as an opportunity to seek out another place to stay the last night (more on that later).  While at the Bourbon Cabin we did find a couple of other neat places nearby in passing that I'll share in the next couple of posts.


  1. That looks heavenly, Mary! What a pleasant vacation!

  2. We hope to go back again. I am not sure if the rate is lower in Nov. but it is currently saying it's 79 bucks a night, I know we got it cheaper than that.
