Monday, September 17, 2018

A Coiffure Affair Birthday Party

For the past couple of months I have had a hobby of learning to style my hair 1950s-esque.
Some, in my house, may say an obsession.  I am now mindful about avoiding wearing clothes that have to slip over my head (jamming your fancy hair through a neck hole can lead to devastating results) and staying clear of rainy humid weather (sorry, couldn't make it to the grocery store today due to rain and I'm not risking my curls to moisture. Just have a bowl of Cap'n for dinner! ).
It only seemed fitting to me to theme my birthday party this year with a vintage hair salon look.
It's all very pink and girly and frou frou which really isn't my thing typically, but for some reason I love it!
So go grab your teasing comb and let's get this party rolling!

My beloved public library recently bought a large scale printer.  I used it to print the enlargement of the hair net package on the wall along with the hairstyle heads seen above left.  Oh the possibilities with a large scale printer!  Surrounding the large print are smaller ones of vintage hair spray, bobby pin packaging, and hair dryers.

I turned the sideboard in the diningroom into a vanity stand by using a few curtains, elastic, and some pink lace bows which I placed around the front.  The garland is foam rollers, bobby pins, fishing line, and packing tape.  

A someone's-been-sniffing-the-hair-spray crooked angle view.

I placed some of my vintage hair doo dads on the vanity like these hair nets (bonus: they are in pink packaging!).

My box of Flamingo Professional Bob Pins. These get used quite a bit with all the hair styles I have been practicing. 

Lady Ellen Klippies, Gayla hair net, and a jar of Dippity-do.  I do use the klippies and the hair net.  Once I get better at styling my hair I may try out that Dippity-do and see what happens!

My home hair dryer.  I have a post dedicated to it coming up next.

A view including the table.

I made a simple center piece from a metal picture frame, curlers, curl clips, a print of a vintage hair styling book, and a vase of unfresh (plastic) flowers.

For the table runner I used a piece of vintage wall paper I picked up at a thrift store a looong time ago.  I had forgotten that I had it and came across it while Kon-Mari-ing.  It was very wrinkled and dirty which I delicately ironed it and washed it for this festivity.  I am planning on using it either in my bathroom or bedroom in the future.

On the other side of the dining room is my china cabinet which is hard to photograph due to it being back lit.  I kept it more simple with some vintage image prints of hair dryers, hair nets, and hair style model heads.  I printed out a glorious large format image of the lovely Dolly Parton with her tall hair from the 60's.

Which we then used as a game called Pin the Bow on "Dolly's Do".

For photo ops I had the boys sit under the dryer for a make over!
Here is Mr. Husband Sir before...

...and After!

PB before.....

...and After!

I made their hair pieces from some of the prints of the hairstyle head models, backed them in sheet craft foam, and then attached to headbands.  And my those pink curlers look familiar...

I am not sure what happen to the boys while under the dryer, but my hair turned out just fine!

For my cake I made a big pink bee hive hair do!  I  baked a couple of cakes using a metal bowl (for the bottom) and a metal high domed jello mold (for the teased to the ceiling top) to construct it.

La cucaracha time!

Since the theme lent it's self to so much pink I wore my vintage pink Aldens dress.  As I wrote about last week, while Kon-Mari-ing I went through all of my vintage clothes as one category.  Although this dress is pink I still really love it.  I have been working on loosing weight for the past couple of months and this dress now fits me!  It's really thrilling trying on some of my favorite vintage clothing pieces that have been in the bottom of a dank plastic bin for over a decade and now being able to wear them again.

Once I become more proficient at hair I will share any tips I discover.  Right now I am still kinda stumbling through all the wet sets, pin curls, and brush outs.  You don't want my input just yet!

But everything I use as inspiration and knowledge is in my pinterest board Hair Color, Cuts, and Chattels if you want to play along!


  1. What a fantastic theme! I am swooning over the garland! So cute and clever :)

    Your hair is looking fabulous! I can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but Lisa Freemont Street on YouTube has some great vintage hair tutorials!

    Happy Belated!

  2. Thanks Jenn! I still need to look up Lisa Freemont Street. I have one of her videos saved on Pinterest but I haven't watched it yet. Now that school's back in I have been busy catching up on stuff around the house and then the holidays are around the corner so no time for video watching lately! I have been experimenting with how long I can keep my set looking decent so I don't have to redo it several times a week. Right now I am on day 7...better wash it tonight though! I don't fix it up all fancy every day. The first 3 days I do a decent job on it but then the next couple of the days involve bandannas or hair nets!

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