Monday, October 22, 2018

Witch's Cauldron Cake

"Tail of a mange ridden rat,
squirmy spiders, feculent flies,
and a wing of a vampire bat..."

"...crunchy cockroaches and juicy fat maggots,
simmer under the light of a full moon...
then serve piping hot with crusty moldy baguettes"

I came across these Vietnamese Coconut Cookies (Bahn Men) at the Asian market a few weeks ago.  They look exactly like big honking maggots to me!  Perfect for some kind of Halloween treat! The cookies themselves are not very flavorful.  I don't taste any coconut and they have the consistency of eating a stick of dry chalk. However none of these factors were going to stop me from including them in a gruesome dessert.  I decided the best way to serve these maggot cookies is to involve them with pudding to increase their moisture.
I decided to go with a Punch Bowl Cake dessert.
I started by baking a cake and crumbling it in chucks. Inside a Halloween treat cauldron lined with a glass bowl, I then layered the cake along with mucous tinted pudding tainted with maggot cookies for several stacks ending with pudding on the top and a final dousing of maggoty treats.
The extra crispy maggot cookies now add a crunchy texture in contrast to the fluffy pudding cake.  If you "brew" the cake in the fridge overnight the maggots become a bit softer and chewy which is almost a true to life experience!


  1. Deliciously disgusting! How did the fam like it?

  2. They liked the maggots cookies much better once they soften up some from the pudding. I think I could even taste a hint of coconut when they are in that state!
