Thursday, November 15, 2018

National Fridge Cleaning Day

It's that time of year, where room must be made for 4 Turkeys, 2 buffet sized trays of mashed potatoes, 2 trays of dressing, 1 gallon of gravy, 1 tray of green beans, 2 trays of sweet potatoes, 4 sacks of rolls, 5 cans of cranberry sauce, 4 pies,  and 2 other random time consuming-to-make desserts.
I am not exaggerating....That's the food drama I have to deal with every Thanksgiving with my family.  Add in there that the (Dis)Organizer of this feast-iasco  always forgets to buy basics like butter...which some poor soul has to trek to the grocery store for...but not before being made to dig around for a hour looking for a coupon to save 5 cents at a grocery store 2 counties over of course.
Typically all of this food is stored in ice chests and coolers spanning into the living room.
If only someone would have celebrated National Clean Your Fridge Out Day...maybe there would have been room for the much needed Jack Daniels...

Here are some tips and helpful hints on fridge cleaning brought to you by Household Magazine November 1951:

I'll end with a quote from my Uncle a few years ago regarding the Thanksgiving meal:
"We would like to eat before 10 pm..."
Because that has happened before too....

Enjoy my
National Fridge Cleaning Day 2016
for more vintage cleaning action!


  1. Wow, Mary! lol! Thanksgiving must be some shindig! Here's a funny story for you:

    One year we had gone to my Aunt's house for Thanksgiving. Of course, everyone is hungry and anticipating dinner, typically eaten around 1p. One o'clock comes and goes, two o'clock comes and goes. Turkey still isn't done. My Grandmother then asked her what time she put the turkey in the oven and she says "11:00!" Grandma says "You should have put it in the oven when you got up so it would have been ready in time." My aunt replies with "I did!" hahahahahaha

    In all seriousness, I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family!

  2. I have never baked a turkey yet in my life so I better keep your story in mind for when I do. The turkeys are deep fried that we have, which is why four of them can get done on one day. Between 4-5 turkeys are done each year because they fry them for other people also. My mom also donates an entire meal to these guys that work at a Christmas tree lot since she felt sorry for them having to work and be away from family at Thanksgiving. She has been doing that for about 10 years. Which is a super nice gesture but falls short when she never plans ahead and all of us who have traveled 12 hours to her house get turned into last minute turkey sweat shop workers. That's why we don't eat til 10 pm and why I dislike Thanksgiving.

    But maybe one day in the far, far, far, far future, I'll look back at these ordeals and at least have a good story to tell from it.

    I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well...I have a feeling your family isn't "off" like mine is!
