Friday, November 23, 2018

Squirm Post Meal Activities

No party is complete without some fun and activities!
I think typically after eating a Turkey Day meal, everybody takes a nap due to the tryptophan in the turkey.  But good news!  Worms contain no tryptophan, so get out there, be active and burn off some of those wormy calories!

Squirm is full of great suggestions, such as fishing, antiquing, or electrocuting the ground to get worms to rise to the top!

We decided to keep it more simple.  Here are two we came up with:

"You gonna be the worm face!"
Photo Op

Here is the minor villain, Roger, as the "worm face" as he is telling Antique Boy "You gonna be the worm face."  Oh my word. How that line does make me laugh.  I thought it would be fun for us all to reenact out favorite Roger scenes as 'worm faces'.

Mr. Husband Sir is showing the immediate action scene after the worm face proclamation where Roger throws a piece of plywood onto Antique Boy, Mick. 

Another favorite Roger sighting is the tender peeping Roger scene in the kitchen.

PB portrays a very convincing worm face peeper here.

My favorite Roger scene is when he reveals his nubbed thumb due to it being eaten off by frenzied worms years ago.

 "Weren't no big deal!"


Mr. Beardsley!!!!!!
Find Mr. Beardsley's skeleton game

About 30 percent of the movie is focused on finding Mr. Beardsley and yelling out his name.  Mr. Beardsley!!!! He is an old man that has been devoured by worms with nothing left but bones, as seen above.

We had ourselves a little game of Hide and Seek Mr. Beardsley's skeleton outside.  We used a plastic foot long skeleton we have for Halloween and took turns hiding him in the yard and calling out "Mr. Beardsley!!!!" while searching.  What the neighbors must think of us.

I hope you enjoyed our wormified MST3K turkey day celebration!
If you have any leftovers may I suggest worm croquettes?

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