Sunday, December 02, 2018

Gnome Sweet Gnome Wreath

For the next 8 posts I am going to show the vintage Christmas wreaths I made and sold at the Punk Rock Flea Market back in October.  This wreath was my favorite and actually I did not sell it, but kept it for myself!
I first made a wreath similar back in 2009, that I still display every holiday season.  I thought it would be fun and slightly profitable to make up a bunch of these cute wreaths for others.  I figured I could maybe sell them at places similar to Brew Ha Ha, where they would be festive decor for the shop but also for sale.  So for at least 4 years I have been picking up thrift store ornaments and garland on clearance, saving it back, but never getting the project going.
Once I got my Kon-Mari tiding marathon done and I was able to get a booth at the Flea Market I started whipping these out a couple every afternoon!

Here are a few close ups of "Gnome Sweet Gnome":

I had a pretty good size box of random ornaments to use but I wanted my wreaths to have some consistency and symmetry for balance.  Each wreath also had at least one focal point and even a bit of a theme.  The rest of them are coming up next!

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