Monday, January 21, 2019

Butterscotch Oaties

Butterscotch Oaties from Pillsbury's 16th Grand National Bake Off 1965

As I mentioned in the previous post, I had been eating some Christmas cookies that made wearing the belt to my snazzy dress a bit too snug.  Well these are said cookies and boy howdy are they good.

For Christmas 2018 I baked two Pillsbury Bake Off cookies to give as presents, this one and another which will be in an upcoming post.  These were my favorite by far!

I also drizzled white chocolate on top for a bit of extra festive flair, although the ones in the pictures are naked.
The texture of these cookies is both chewy and crispy.  The only complaint I have with them is they took way longer to bake than the recipe said and some spread disastrously on the baking sheet, while others held their shape just fine.  I have a bit of a suspicion though that it could be my oven acting up yet again, so  I might be light bulb baking before too long.

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