Thursday, April 18, 2019

They See Me Mowing.... front lawn!  

Peoples I am busy right now trying to get my yard work done while the temperatures outside are favorable for human life.  I only have maybe two weeks left before the summer heat and horrific humidity take hold rendering life outside inhabitable.  After that point the best I can do for my yard is mow it once a week at dusk to avoid heat stoke and sun poisoning.
At the local small engine shop where I go to get my piddly pruning shears and other dull bits of metal sharpened I always enjoy seeing this vintage Lawn Boy mower that hangs out in the lobby:

Gosh it's gorgeous!  I love it's wonky misaligned front wheels. The plaid clad man on the cover of the Household Magazine (March 1957) seen above up top, is using a Lawn Boy for leaning.

Here is an ad I came across on the nets promoting the mowing luxury of a Lawn Boy!

And this gal looks quite fetching with her extremely cinched belt while pushing her Lawn Boy...with teeth!

I can't stand yard work.  You just can't fight Mother Nature.  I have surely tried.  We have an immensely invasive weed, greenbrier, that we have not been able to defeat no matter how many we pull, dig up, or poison.  
I would love to be able to show you all a pristine manicured yard when I am finished but truthfully my "after" picture would be most people's "before".  I am just doing my best to keep away the code enforcement folks.
So, with all that being said, I will be away from this here blog for a bit, dealing with my weeds...which is what my whole yard is big weedy mess.
Sometimes I think the best solve for it is a can of gasoline and a match.


  1. That Lawn Boy is so cool! We see so many old appliances, some lawn sprinklers, some hose reels, etc., but I can't remember when we last saw a lawn mower like this! (Rob)

  2. I don't ever come across any old lawn or gardening stuff ever! I would love if they would let me borrow the lawn mower for a photo in my front yard so I can do some leaning on it!

