Friday, July 19, 2019

Turquoise Fruit Baskets

I picked up all of these plastic baskets at a thrift store for 1 buck total.  I love the shade of teal/turquoise they are.  There is not a maker's name on them so who knows what other wonderful mix and match items that could have been offered to ''collect them all!'' to complete the set.
That little plastic onion head is one of my prized possessions.  I found it while rummaging through a box at an estate sale a couple of years back.  That was a great sale.  It is legendarily referred to as the "Chadwick" sale (the street name) around our house and among friends still.  The sale went on for 2 weeks because there was so much stuff.  I went to it on at least 3 separate occasions and still would find more stuff.  The picnic printed fabric in the last post was from that sale.
So was our dining room tablecloth.  And this cute Squeezit Bear.
And a bunch of other what-nots and doo dads I have never gotten around to photographing!
I may have to gather all of it together one day for a dedicated post because sales like that don't happen around these parts ever and it deserves a place in history!

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