Friday, November 22, 2019

Macy's Parade Marathon!


Well, a marathon of watching the same image on pause, but it's such a cute image that it works for me!

For our TV coozie(-ish) cover for Thanksgiving I decide it would only be appropriate to have an image from a Macy's Day parade of yesteryear displayed!

I printed it at the library for free and attached it to a couple of wreath hooks from the dollar tree that I spray painted black so it would blend in.  The coozie can then be removed when we want to watch Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving special on DVD.

The table covering with the scarecrows is actually a vintage full length apron that my grandmother made for me.  The vintage planter I just got recently at an estate sale for free.  The fall foliage was 50¢ at a thrift store.

{For a bit more parade floats see my Pinterest board: Gobble, Gobble: Macy's Parade}

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