Friday, December 20, 2019

Snowman and Deery

{New Holiday finds for this season}

Nearly ending out the new stuff.
In November a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go over to a lady's house to look at her vintage Christmas stuff she had for sale.  My friend didn't know the lady or what she had or even what the lady defined as "vintage".  The lady was just an acquaintance that mentioned to my friend's mom (that runs estate sales) that she had some stuff.  This could go down in so many ways.  The stuff could just be 1990s junk, or she could have some decent stuff but asking inflated collector prices, or she could have wanted us for our skins.
Either way it would surely be an adventure!
Turns out the lady had amazing stuff and tons!  She had been collecting on the cheap for decades and was selling off her extras and less-than-perfects.  95 % was from the 1950-60s and it was what I call rock star stuff.  Things that go for a lot of eBay and never show up in thrifts.   I wish I had taken a photo because it was not to be believed.  She had every thing nicely organized and laid out on about 6 long tables (with stuff in boxes under neath also) in her garage.  I always believed that I had a lot of vintage Christmas stuff (about 12 storage bins the size you could store a body in) but my entire sized collection was just the amount she was selling.  And her casts offs were on a quality level to only half a tub of my stuff.  I mostly buy junk from thrifts. But she was able to  thrift the great stuff over 3 decades ago.  So with trepidation my friend and I started each a small pile, fearing the price punch.  My friend braved the question first, "How much?"...."10 bucks."  Oh my gosh!  The lady was selling at awesome prices!!!  It was hard to not go wild.  I picked out some great stuff that I'll feature today!

First and foremost are these two cuties!  I am so in love with them!  The satin ball snowman matches a Santa I bought years ago from an antique mall.  The reindeer is made out of a vinyl type material and I almost didn't buy him because he wouldn't match the herd of felty ones I already own.  But his face was so adorbs I had to bring him home.

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