Sunday, April 19, 2020

Fiddle Faddle Lambie Cake

For Easter this year I made this scrumptious Fiddle Faddle/ Crunch n' Munch/ Cracker Jack encrusted lamb cake.  It's innards are just prefab cake mix and tub icing.

Ever since seeing Rob and Monica's adorable Lamb cake last year and then finding out about a lamb cake contest (of which monica was one of the top winner's last year!) I had to put it on my future 'To-Do' for this season.  I already had a lamb cake mold of which I picked up from a thrift (bought it because of Charles Phoenix's Easter Meatloaf of lamb recipe idea).  I had not meatloafed it just yet since we aren't big fans of the dish but I just loved the idea.  We also usually do coconut rabbit cakes as our Easter tradition so lambie cake pan has been collecting dust until this year.

Luckily I tend to plan stuff a couple of months in advance.
This cake was the last thing I was able to mull over and buy it's components right before the coronapocalypse.  I thought the caramel corn would have a neat look as the fur.  I used the dredges of broken bits from the bottom of the bag for low profile facial covering.  The facial features are left over black icing I had on hand already.

This cake was super yummy and I recommend that a layer of crunchy caramel corn to be incorporated into all cakes.  It should become the new side component to cake replacing that bland mushy ice cream yesterday's news!

Speaking of yesterday's news, here are a few past Eastery confectionery posts to hop to:
Easter Bunny Banquet
Quick Like a Bunny Cake
A Peepin' Easter Treat Tree
Easter Droppings
Delicious Glamour Egg Cake