Friday, October 02, 2020


Stay inside!  Lock your doors!
It's scary enough out there without ghosts and goblins interfering.

My most favorite season is upon us, Halloween!
I haven't quite worked out what our Quarantine-O-Ween is going to be like just yet.  
I don't like the idea of forcing normalcy on current times but favor trying to come up with creative alternatives.  Stuff that doesn't feel like it's stifling the fun, such as new takes on traditional activities, inventing new fun or even revisiting old simple amusement that usually gets bypassed for quick easy modern entertainment.  
One of my favorite things about Halloween is that everything is optional.  This year some things are just off the table (trick-or-treating, haunted houses, parties, and other crowd gathering activities) but I think that opens up other opportunities.  
So what are some of these alternative frightfully fun functions?  My first thoughts go to those lists that I see every year suggesting family fall fun.  Stuff like reading ghost stories, making candy apples, or watching scary movies.  While those things are classics, I never do them, because truthfully to me they sound like a snore.   These are the perfect affairs that could do with a ghoulish upgrade.  For the ghost stories I would opt to read those scary blurbs about disturbing things children say: 
"My 3-year-old son was softly singing while he was coloring. I stopped to listen, but I had never heard the song before. I asked where he learned it, and he said: “The lady in my bedroom sang it to me.”
Three sentences is all it takes to creep me out!
To make the candy apples a bit easier, I would set up a small buffet of apple slices, caramel dip, and toppings.  Instead of a movie, I would opt for an Addam's Family (1960's TV sitcom version) marathon spread over a week of evenings. (movies are too long for my liking)
Other ideas could be going for a walk in an old cemetery or woods.  Leave "scare" packages on door steps for friends.  If Trick or Treating is canceled I think it would be fun for people to really big time decorate up their yards and homes for folks to drive by to enjoy from their car like at christmas.     

Those are just a few ideas that I have been stewing in my mind's witches brew...the future is not certain!

What kind of Quarantine-O-Ween activities are on your To-Boo list?
👻  👻  👻  👻  👻

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