Monday, October 26, 2020

Witchy Hair Do

A few years ago a friend gave us this vintage Biestle(?) die cut witch that was missing her shaggy crepe paper mane.

Remnants from her scalping, seen above.

I came across this image out in the webs of what her hair style was suppose to look like.  I decided to give it a go:

I cut up some party streamers, crinkled them, and attached to the back side.  My gal's hair is a touch longer and less strands.  I am not sure if I am happy with her "do" just yet.  I may restyle it into a bob or shred her up some uneven "dead ends".


  1. Great cut out, Mary! I love her new 'do.

  2. We have the same one without hair! I was thinking of making new hair but I never thought of streamers ! What a great idea! It looks great! We had the color version with the white hair in the 70s when I was growing up!

  3. Thanks! It's been a project I have been wanting to tackle for the last few years since getting her. I had become so accustom to her without hair I didn't like her new do at first, but now that she has been hanging up for the past 2 weeks it's obvious that having hair is better than not!
