Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Vintage Towels

This week I am rummaging around the linens closet, and seeing what kind of ideas come to mind.

 Don't you love vintage towel prints and colors?!  I don't come across them too often as you can see my collection is small.  They are an item that tends to be used till threadbare. They don't wind up at thrifts for this reason so estate sales are the best places to look.  
Because towels can take a beating I would never use vintage towels for everyday sponging.  And since the fabric is so thick and rough they aren't good candidates for clothing.
So what to do with them?
One idea to still display them in the bathroom without getting grimy hands involved is to turn them into curtains for your bathroom.  Attach some café curtain clip rings on them and you're done!
Another idea is to sew a few together and make a big beach blanket.  Along those same lines you can sew a couple of towels together at the shoulders and waist and make a swim suit cover-up.
Vintage towels would make great fabric for tote bags or purses.  They could also be good for large sized hot pads for dishes.  Turn them into seat cushions by stitching them in half and stuffing.  Cut them into small decorative table runners for a bedroom.  Oh!  Here's a good idea!  Use them to make a tank and toilet seat cover set!

Let's see what else is in here....

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