Friday, March 25, 2022

Circus Anny 8 and March Coconut Cake

Step right up folks and see it for yourself!  Live and in person!  
Two clowns hitched together for 8 years!

 Mr. Husband and I just celebrated our 8th wedding anny!  I decided to do a little circus theme to commemorate it since we stayed at Circus Circus when we got married in Las Vegas.  Also it worked out well with March's coconut cake of the month theme which is a clown.

Here are we are done up in vintage circus clown paper doll wear.

And here is Coco the Nutty clown, part of the monthly coconut cake of the month representing for March.  I would have thought it should be something set more to the only holiday there is in March. Something like a big green coconut shagged shamrock.   But who knows, maybe March is national creepy clown month.  Below is the inspiration image and it's something nightmares are made of.  My version is absolutely precious in comparison.  Kinda elf like.  He would be cute with some Christmas color changes and moved to the month of December.

  An "apple" for a nose and blue crystal meth for his eyes.
Let's get back to this party.

Call in the cute clowns!

That's better.

Here's a look at some of the other details:

I happened to find this awesome vintage looking bag of popcorn at walsmart of all places!

I also used a couple of vintage clown bedecked paper napkins I got from a friend.

Here are scans of the napkins if anyone would like to do some creepy clown crafting:

Here's to our 8 years of antics!

Check out our one year anny which also had a circus theme:

And our wedding in Las Vegas:


  1. How Romantic! Happy anniversary! My fiance Rob loves clowns!
