Wednesday, March 16, 2022

I want the gold! Give me the gold!

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It's weird how some things become family traditions around our house.  And this is one of them.  Every year we all gather 'round to watch the Mobile Leprechaun news segment from 2006.  So many good lines to chant and we fold over with laughter every single time we watch!

We live about a hour from Mobile so it's kinda fun thinking it's "local".

We could see him and get to say "YEaH!"
We could met the Leprechaun hunter with his thousand year old plastic calling flute!
We could get the gold!  We want the gold!
Or we could catch a crackhead that got a hold of some bad stuff!

Back in 2019 we did catch a glimpse of him in our own yard, up in a tree!

Unfortunately we happened to shine a light on him and he disappeared...but we got a neat crack pipe out of the deal!

1 comment:

  1. I love the sketch! I think I have seen that leprechaun before!
