Monday, March 28, 2022

National Cleaning Week

Did you know there is an official week for Spring Cleaning?  Me neither.  But this is the week!

Best grab your favorite cleaning apparatus and get busy.  You may have gotten away with not falling in line with the nationally sanctioned dirt busting from past years but you never know when that white glove may come a'swiping!

If you have a real mess on your hands...hoarder style, grab yourself a rake and a shovel!
If you just have a few dust bunnies breeding under the bed then sic the vacuum on them!

We got to get on this!  National cleaning week only happens once a year and this is our time to shine!  Shine those sink faucets I mean!

For the next week I am going to be featuring vintage cleaning ads, materials, and other sanitized themed fun for those moments you are taking a break from waxing, washing, and polishing...or eating bon bons and watching your soaps.

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