Monday, September 26, 2022

Come on Fall!


I don't gage seasons by the dates, I gage by the temperatures.  And unfortunately for the south it's nasty hot humid "summer" nearly all year round here.  I yearn for a real Fall like in these glorious images.

The best I can do is recreate Fall inside my house. I've got my favorite Autumn ambiance videos of crackling bonfires and crickets playing,  a mug of apple cider, a cinnamon candle burning and the AC cracked down to 60.  I may even cover the floor with bags of faux autumn leaves to roll around in. 
 I am planning a ton of posts for the upcoming spooky season but you know what they say about best laid plans and not counting your chickens before they are hatched or believing in the fortune telling skills of the toothless carny down at the state fair.

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