Thursday, October 27, 2022

'Like Bats out of Hell' Lamp Finial

Ya'll have heard that saying right?  Example:  When the waiter told me they only had pepsi products I was out of there like a bat out of hell...meaning I swiftly beat cheeks to get out the door.
Only the more I think about the saying it doesn't add up.  I thought bats were kinda the pet version of a dog in hell so why would they want to "get the hell' out of there?
It's one for Unsolved Mysteries I guess. 

Back to on topic, I made this MCM inspired lamp finial to spook up a couple of table lamps in the living room.  It's just some long wooden toothpicks that already had the bats on them from 1.25 tree which I painted the sticks black.  I then jabbed them into a mini styrofoam ball that I painted black.  I drilled out a bit of the ball on the bottom so it would fit over the screw top of the lamp.  To temporarily secure it from tipping over I used some leftover dental wax.

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