Thursday, June 15, 2023

Jubilee Jumbles

I love a display of cookies with various toppings such as these Jubilee Jumbles!
Here is the two page ad spread:

The hiccup in this recipe is that the dough has to be refrigerated before using.  They say for a hour but that is a bold face lie.  This dough was a gooey sticky mess that I cursed to hell several times.  Put the dough in the freezer for several  hours and then only take out what you are working with as you need it.  The cookies tasted fair...nothing to have a jubilee over.  I think the real magic is in the burnt butter icing and the various toppings of coconut, candied cherries, and walnuts. Just throw that on some more low maintenance cookies and call it done. 

Get out your trifocals, here is the blurry recipe:

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