Thursday, December 28, 2006

Cine Mexicano

mary ann sent me these tarjeta postal precioso... which, if i recall my high school espanol, means beautiful post card ( can't remember how to do plurals, help me out peoples!) they are of vintage horror/thriller type films and are very suitable for framing!

i believe they came from this set : cine mexicano postcards. i really like these mary ann, thank you. i kinda have a thing for vintage mexican stuff like this. (as you may recant...these)

i am hoping to put up posts on christmas loot given and received soon, but all has not been doled out. i have a case of the holiday blahs and bah humbugs still lingering, along with a cruddy cold so bear with me please.

memo: my regular email (whistlebait(at) cox(dot) net) has done broke down. i think someone tried to shove a package in it (hope it wasn't anything perishable!) and it's wedged it's self in there fairly well and i don't know how to fix things like that. so my point is that if you have sent me an email in the last 3-4 days i haven't been able to get it and may never be able to. i am going to be using this one in the meantime: myhouseiscuterthanyours(at)yahoo(dot)com.


  1. These are fantastic. Leave it to Mary Ann--she rocks. I have always loved that word 'fantasma' (ghost). I saw some cool crafts on etsy using lotteria cards that might give you some ideas with these. Like make some copies and decoupage some christmas bulbs...

  2. RE: your email. You may have exceeded your email's memory space. Try deleting some of the older stuff if you can get into that file. Or just empty your bulk folder - that should allow you to open your email.

  3. ~nomas~
    thanks for that, it worked! i had over 2000 emails to go through and i have my old email back up and running.

  4. Great - glad it worked. Sometimes "stuff" is just too easy! I like that.
