Friday, December 29, 2006

christmas gifties! what i got...

it's a bit late, but here are some of the things i got for christmas:

my mom got me a lot of neat stuff as she always does. Here are a couple of things. This chapstick by blue Q called Boss Lady(above). The packaging is so cute!
And! she got me a little black tree (below)! I had to decorate it up fast-like for a picture. Pez would be a really cool idea for decorating a tree actually.
my mom also got me lots of smell purty products, an autograghed copy of Martha Stewart's housekeeping tips book, a velveteen grey jacket and handed down her manual pentax slr camera to me.
I got a couple of vintage cookbooks that belonged to a great grandmother i never had the chance to meet along with an inscription from my great aunt inside them.

I bought this myself. a print of the Krispy Kreme building recently demolished in my town that i have been ranting about so much lately.


  1. Very nice gifts! I am glad you were able to find that print. I like the bra sushi trays. Sushi is layered,raw and a bit sexy like the trays.

  2. I have that print of the Krispy Kreme in our kitchen. I also got a light up Hot Doughnuts Now! ornament before they shut the doors...
