Wednesday, October 17, 2007

book sale finds

i recently attended the local friends of the library book sale (book sale past here). i acquired a few books on intriguing topics however this 1954 cake decorating book by the wilton's was a real find.

within the pages i discovered this cake idea:

i thought this cake was very interesting. it is to celebrate washington's birthday but since that is a tradition i have never been into i see it in a bit of a different light. it recalls to me the scene in the movie napoleon dynamite when pedro "builds" summer a cake as a way to ask her to the dance. he makes the cake with the script on top asking her out and then leaves it on her door step. now with that seed planted, i see this cake as something one would leave on the door step for their next murder victim. it's nice really... have some cake and just understand that i plan on doing you in with a hatchet!


  1. what a great find. that cake is so devilishly perfect

  2. Hi long time lurker here. I just had to chime in- what immediately sprang to my mind when I saw the cake was Lizzie Borden. I'm not sure what that says about me...

  3. My mother has a Betty Crocker cookbook from the 60's and it's full of random cakes like that too. Cakes back then were a bit more formal/weird I think. Very funny though!

  4. Too funny, my first thought was Lizzie Borden took an axe...

  5. i must say i too thought of lizzie borden when i saw the cake. what a great little find the book was.
    i am also a long time lurker to your blog.

  6. Oh, that IS a great find. I think news should be broken with cakes more often. Like "I did it with your brother", or "I'm here, I'm queer-get used to it," or even "Whoops...My diaphragm broke again." Better yet, maybe someone should start a PostSecret type blog, but for cake decorators--CakeSecret. I'd read it.

  7. ....and its so noir too, with its black and white photographed self!

  8. i found your site through flickr and noticed you are in pcola. im from mobile and frequent the area for vintage finds. its nice to see such classy ladies in the area

  9. Speaking of cakes, today, October 26th, is Pat Sajak's birthday! I don't know about you but I want to try to take half a day off and enjoy it! I might even buy a vowel......

  10. What a fun blog you have! That cake was clever and I have to say that it did not occur to me that it had anything to do with out first president. I thought about Lizzie Borden and what an interesting thing that would be to celebrate. I will be visiting again. thank you. Susan

  11. LOVE the axe cake. It may even be worth fending off you and your hatchet to receive one. :) Happy Halloween!!
