Wednesday, October 31, 2007

halloween sugarcoated

ghastly confectionery happenings in review, sorry to post them too late for recreation for the current halloween. but if you are like me these are treats fit for anytime of the year.

first, is this brownie cake (that just means it's a sheet of brownies with icing on top) pumpkinbutt and i collaborated on for one of my dearest friend's birthday...happy birthday again brent! we didn't have any pre-existing plan, and pumpkinbutt started by dumping black sugar sprinkles in the middle, which in turn brought to my mind a pile of dirt. so i then placed a glow in the dark skeleton in the heap. we charged the skeleton up with a flashlight and it turned out looking pretty cool....

spiderweb cupcakes. i found the idea online. i am not going to post an image of the original because it puts mine to shame. you can google it and have a good laugh at my shoddy rendition.

i love these!!! zombie hands emerging from the depths of a chocolate cupcake. i found this idea online also......ordered hands from here


  1. I think the spiderweb cuppies look great,I continue to try to do a similar effect on easy bake cookies with my littlest,and my 11 year old always sez'"oh mom ,thats so you that you can't make it look right". She means this affectionately.

  2. thanks for the link to the zombie hands website, they're amazing! your baked goods always look fabulous.

  3. Great ideas! I especially love the zombie hand cupcakes. I think you and Pumpkinbutt should collaborate on cakes more often, cause that skeleton cake is a work of art.

  4. I can say with all honesty, the brownie cake was DELICIOUS!

    Thanks again for the great b'day treats! Tell Pumpkinbutt to come and visit us again! :-]

  5. I'm not sure if I have your current email addy anymore. In case you didn't get my email, be sure to check out my current post--I thought of you immediately.
