Friday, November 02, 2007

criswell predicts....

during a local showing of the film Plan 9 from Outer Space the dixie dolls (my crafty girl gang, in case you aren't aware) put together some vintage horror/ b-movie/ cult classic (you get the idea, the movies that the cool kids watch) inspired items to push on the unbriefed public. the photo below is of our was dark...


center top on the orange metal bucket are bottlecap magnets with movie images that were lovingly bejeweled and glittered up by the dolls. bottom left are shrinky dink tattoo flash ear rings (not movie inspired but still very nice and of fine quality)

top left are refrigerator clips, halloween themed. on the right are shrinky dink tattoo flash necklaces. bottom right are some new necklaces i have been experimenting with. they are made from shrinky dink material that prints from a home printer.
here are a couple of the necklaces close up. i think they turned out fairly nice. the process is to lighten the image until it looks washed out, print on the transparency setting, then the rest is shrinky dink old hat. oh, also seal the image with clear nail polish.

lastly are the tote bags. a really bad photo but the only one i have. a better view of a tote here. and the plan 9 bag sold. yay!

btw, did you happen to notice the tags i put on the items? toe tags....


  1. Miss Thing, you *need* to get an Etsy shop up and running so that those of us unlucky enough to be unable to make it to your events can still get some of your FANTASTIC goodies...i am ALL about your vintage horror movie themed goodness....seriously, i am DYING to get my hands on some of your goods! resist!
    GREAT display and even better items. You never cease to blow my little mind!
    ps...i sure have missed seeing you around! As ever, you're one o' my most favorite freakycool crafters in blogland

  2. Very cool! I really like the totes a lot and the toe tags are a great idea! :)
