Monday, November 26, 2007


circa 1951. the grand prize winner got $25,000!!!! that's a lot of money back now.
the funny face hamburgers (seen below) were my favorite in the booklet. the idea was from a 12 year old girl and she won $1,000.

(click to enlarge)

i recently acquired a few other neat old recipe booklets and cookbooks that i plan on displaying here. and because i have nothing else of interest to share i think i will space them w-a-y out.


  1. I love picking up the old recipe pamphlets at flea markets. They sell for a quarter usually and I am starting to get a nice collection of them.

  2. To be frank, I'd be just happy as pie to win $1000. $25000? I might just pee my pants.

  3. I love these books. Can't resist them at estate sales.

  4. I think its a bloggy land rule,"Must adore kitschy cook books" . Even with my almost non existent chef skills,I can at least make some mean vintage ice-coffee!

  5. The old recipes are the best for entertainment; heck, some even taste good. I think I will try the hamburger one though, just to see my husband's reaction.

  6. I love your blog. I've been lurking here all day. (in a good way). I have an awesome cookbook from WW II that I make stuff from all the time.

    PS- I grew up in P'cola and was sorry to hear about the loss of the Goofy Golf. I spent many a drunken night there back in the day.

  7. LOVE your blog,hope all is well and look forward to seeing another post soon

  8. Merry X-mas !!! I hope all is well in your cutie cute house!!!
