Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Pork Brains With Milk Gravy!

 I told you all that it existed...but I felt there may have been some doubts out there. 

 PB and I go on several field trips during the summer.  Sometimes to art or history museums and then sometimes to grocery stores.  Fun, interest and education can be had anywhere. Barnes Grocery Store is where we visited today.  It is a bit on the creepy side but also kinda neat too.  It's a hard balance.  Barnes has been around since I would guess the 70's.  It hasn't been remodeled or cleaned much since then either. It is very "small town" but in a bit of a shady-sh location.  I shop there when I need only a few items and am looking for an adventure at the same time.  The kinds of foods available at Barnes is the biggest part of the adventure, very neat labels as well.
 I love the Prairie Belt Smoked Sausage boy!  The design of the can is cute and worthy of becoming a kitchen wallpaper.  He lives next to jars of pickled pigs feet.
 Yikes.  I took all of these pics with my phone and I don't have a steady hand.  But I had to include this blurry image of family sized cans of beef tripe with milk....9.99 each.

 I thought these bags of Jay's O-Ke-Doke popcorn were cute on several levels. Cute name, cute graphics and they look neat hanging in clusters on an old style metal clipped rack tower.

The Brim's piggy is so darling he could give Piggly Wiggly some decent competition in a cuteness contest.

 Oh! Boy Syrup.  Cute label but apparently not a hot seller, as you can see the dust on the jars.  Maybe it stems from confusion with the name of the product.  It's not "Oh Boy! Syrup".  It's "Oh!  Boy Syrup".  Could it be made just for boys or out of boys? Oh! Boy?

 We did find a few items to purchase while on this adventure.  We bought these Uncle Al's Planks cookies for only 1.29 for 3! There are two planks in each package. Score! I remember getting these as a kid from small town convenience/gas stores.

And now for the best part of the adventure!!!! A visit to The Chicken Machine!!! Put in a mere 25 cents and you will receive a musical show ( the chicken clucks and turns) and a lucky egg with a prize inside!
PB was super happy with getting a mini compass in his egg.  He now thinks the chicken has magical powers of knowing what the recipient's interest are and gives them their prize accordingly.

This may have been fueled by our reason to go to Barnes today in the first place.  We had to buy Redi Whip for our homemade butterbeers we were going to enjoy during our Harry Potter marathon for the evening.

So what about fun, interest and education at Barnes?
Fun = Magical Chicken Egg.
Interest = Being able to view multitudes of canned meat products at one location.
Education= PB learned there is something called "Fla-vor-aid" and it is similar to Kool-Aid.  And that beef tripe is expensive!

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