Thursday, October 29, 2015

It's Oogie's turn to boogie now!

For the entire of month of October I like to put little fun Halloween treats in PB's lunchbag.  Everyday I have had a Halloween joke or riddle on a slip of Halloween stationary along with a tiny bag of gummy boogers.  I also made a small round container resemble a magic 8 ball and put one of these cookies inside.  He has to ask his question first and then open the lid to reveal the answer on the cookie.

For the last day, Oct 30, I decided to make something special as the grand Oogie Boogie stuffed with bugs and gummy worms!

Oogie is made out of green craft sheet foam that I drew his face on with permanent marker and stitched the sides with black upholstery thread. I found a template for Oogie here.
 Everything is water resistant which is a must in a lunchbag.  I placed the bugs and gummy worms in a small halloween ziplock bag and stuffed it up Oogie's.....well, area.  I left this section unstitched for easier candy apprehension.

My bugs! My bugs!


  1. I was a bit impressed with myself for how it turned out. PB likes it so much he wants me to use it as the treat holder in his lunch every Friday.

