Friday, May 25, 2018

Mandatory Fun! Weird Al Yankovic!!

A couple of years back we were able to see one of our fam's favorite singer/songwriter/comedian/performers...
one of our national treasures...

Weird Al Yankovic!

We all dressed in mismatched tacky inspired outfits.

Check out PB's 70s polyester shirt and Mr. Husband Sir's Hawaiian shirt plaid shorts combo!
We brought along our Simpson's Weird Al to the show also.

This . was . the . best . concert . I . have . EVER . been . to !!!!!
It was PB's first concert and he loved it.  We were all amaze.  At the beginning of the concert Weird Al comes from the back of the audience heading to the stage and oh my gosh!!! he was only 3 seats away from us!!!!
For every single song he and the band are dressed in costume, along with props, and corresponding videos in the background.  For "Fat" he wore an expanding fat suit and a double chin thing.  For "White and Nerdy" he rolled out on a segway.  For "Foil" he had the whole infomercial desk set up.

"Smells Like Nirvana"
𝅘𝅥𝅮Sing distinctly...We don't wanna!𝅘𝅥𝅮
I remember when I was in high school and would have MTV on in the morning while getting ready.  I really liked Nirvana's 'Smells like teen spirit' but when I saw Weird Al's version I loved it!  I had a blank VHS tape always in the deck and was lucky enough to record both versions back to back! 

𝅘𝅥𝅮 Took the whole bowl of restaurant mints . Hey, it said they're free!𝅘𝅥𝅮
A super cool thing I love about Weird Al is how he can take a really crappy song (pretty much anything on top forty the past 18 years)  riff on the original lyrics, and salvage the music to create something actually worth listening to.

The fam and I use lines from Weird Al songs second nature to each other all of the time.  I use them on here too (example: first line: "White and Nerdy"). "White and Nerdy" happens to be our fam song.  PB got a power strip for Christmas once and we even have the Star Wars Holiday Special!

"What Ever You Like" is my and Mr. Husband's "song" because I am a cheapskate and like it!
𝅘𝅥𝅮"Clip coupons all night. Don't be a hater if I grab a bunch of napkins for later. Thrift store jeans on sale half price!" 𝅘𝅥𝅮
 All true!

Weird Al is such a clever guy.  I wish he was my neighbor so we could toast circus peanuts over a duralog together.

For a bit more Yankovic MHICTY style, see our Fam Halloween costumes from 2016,
 we went as
Amish Paradise...hitchin' up a buggy and a beard on our chins.


  1. I love Weird Al! So cool you saw him in concert!

  2. Mr. Husband and I noticed that most all of the other fans of Weird Al are intellectuals and extremely friendly. The lady sitting next to us (her and her 2 kids were in those 3 seats right next to Weird Al!) told us that they had seen him perform a couple of months earlier in another state. I thought that was odd to go see the same concert so soon...but after the concert I realized why. The show was absolutely amazing and if we had loaded pockets we would have gone to see him again in the next town over, like a band of Weird Al gypsies!
