Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Gift Wrapped

These 'gift wrapped' Firestone record album covers are perfect for making Christmas gift boxes out of!  It's a craft project I came up with several years ago and I am finally getting around to making them this year!

First pick out some Christmas albums with front covers that have most of the action in the middle section.  
Next, cut the front cover from the back.  The front is the top of the box and the back is the bottom.  Start with the front cover by turning it over and marking 1 1/2 inches around the edge.  When marking press down slightly with pencil.  (This will serve as a blunt scoring and make folding the edges over more straight and easier later.)  Next cover your marks with packing tape as shown above on all four lines.

Now, using a exacto knife or box cutter make slits on all four corners as shown above.  Fold all edges over to form the box lid.  The top is going to crack on the folds, just be aware. The bottom of the box is made the same way as the lid except to get it to fit under the top it must be measured a smidge over 1 1/2 inches.

Here is the lid folded on the edges.

At this point you could hot glue the edges and be done.  I am always thinking about how I will store something and how can I have it take up the least amount of space.  I decided the best way was to have the box fold down flat as most gift boxes do.  I considered using velcro on the corners but for quick use this year I came up with another solution.  In the four corners of the lid and bottom, where the big "X"s are seen above, I applied some clear packing tape.  I then folded the tiny flaps inward and used scotch tape to hold it solid.  Since I have packing tape where the scotch tape is applied, it can be easily peeled off after use and not mar the album cover.  I can then fold the boxes flat for packing up and use them every year!

These boxes are also great to use as decoration under the tree before Santa drops off the big stash on Christmas Eve!

For another record gift box idea check out my:
Apron Record Gift Box