Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Beary Cosmetic Surgery

I don't put up much crafty stuff on here because crafty for me is mostly mending or fixing stuff up, like Mr. Husband wearing the ass out of a pair of shorts but since they are his favorite ones, I have to keep sewing patches on them.  You guys don't want to see that kinda stuff.
However I do have this sweet little mending/fixing up project to share.
I picked up "Baby Bear" as we have been calling him at an estate sale for a couple of bucks to hang out with now named "Papa Bear".  Papa Bear had belonged to my stepdad as a kid..and well, Papa Bear didn't have a face.  He hadn't had a face for the entire time we have had him.  He's just been hanging out on our couch for the past 8 years with no facial features.  I guess that's kinda creepy but we just accepted him as he was. Since Baby Bear had a face it was time to give Papa one as well.  I went by a craft store and priced his bits.  It was going to be around 7 bucks, which I thought was a bit high for teddy bear plastic surgery.   Then, the next week, I happen to come across a bag of a bunch of assorted stuffed animal craft eyes and noses at an estate sale for just 2 bucks! Now I have enough eyes and snouts left over for any other future stuffed critters who stumble into our house with facial disadvantages.
His original eyes were higher up on his face from what I could make out, but I moved them down to match Baby Bear.  I also added some extra stuffing to his nose because it had become smashed down.  For his mouth I glued on a sliver of craft felt giving him a bit of an unreadable expression.

His pitiful before:

He's so cute now!

Believe it or not, it took PB and I some time to get used to him having a face!
PB says he liked him better without it.  That boy doesn't like change, even if it's for the better.  It's surely better to have a face!

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