Friday, August 02, 2019

If You Like Pina Coladas...

And getting caught in the rain....

This is a story of how one SGFF (Single Green Female Fish) that we named Angela, cast her heart into the vast ocean looking for a mate.  Sure there are plenty of fish in the sea but how many are really available in her species and age (vintage chalkware Miller 1969)?  She would have to look the world over and even if it came down to it, get a mail (male) order groom.

I happen to come across Angela at a thrift store for a measly 50 cents.  50 cents!  I have been watching out for a set of these exact chalkware fish online for several months but they would go sometimes for 40 bucks.  No no boo boo.  After I snagged Angela off the shelf I started a frantic search for her mate throughout the store.  I checked everywhere.  Maybe he was in with the toys, he looks cartoonish.  Or maybe they put him with the summer beach display of mismatched flip flops and cheap-o sand buckets...I looked everywhere.  I assigned one of the employees that I always chat with to keep an eye out.  Weeks went by and nothing.  I finally had to break it to Angela...her man had R.U.N.N.O.F.T.

 I then started the task of getting her to seek a new mate.  We checked an online dating site (ebay) and the pickings were slim.  It was almost looking like Angela was going to have to settle for a fish that was already married and was going to be bringing his old lady along.  Angela couldn't bring herself to be involved in bigamy.  I wouldn't pay that much for two fish to relocate to my house.  I eventually found her a single man and set Angela up for a date but it didn't work out (got outbid).
More weeks went by.  We even stopped looking.  Maybe Angela could be happy as a spinster fish, she could own a bunch of cat (fish) and live in a hoarded fish tank.  On a lark, we checked the batch available again and there he was...the General, as we have named him...8 bucks (plus shipping, total about $16), it was a price I was willing to pay for Angela's happiness.

The General arrived by air a couple of weeks ago with Angela greeting him with a Lover's Luau!

They have since been married in a private ceremony with other chalkware family in attendance. After a honeymoon next to a Mexico mariachi album cover, they plan to reside on my bathroom wall.


  1. Angela is so very cool! That was a good find! We have that Les Paul and Mary Ford record! (Rob)

  2. We haven't listened to the record just yet but have high hopes it will be good!
