Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Demented Decor 2019

Welcome Foolish my Demented Halloween Decor Tour!

Same spooky stuff just shuffled around a bit!

The Gruesome Green Shelf!

In the living room, I clipped the 'new' Halloween napkins on the spider webs placed on the walls.

I picked up more of that super cute retro orange and black garland from dollar tree to edge the shelves with this year.  I'm not sure about it.  It looks a little too bushy.

The Deranged Dining Room!

Same layout but I mixed it up just a bit.

On the sideboard I showcased the 'new' scarecrows and blow molds.

A flurry of bats!

The curtains in the dining room are accented with little cardboard bats behind the sheers.  The bats were part of a craft kit I picked up at Target on clearance a few years back.  The craft was based after this kind of DIY example, having fiberboard hoops and notches to attach the threaded bats into.  Once it was made it looked pretty good, but storing it and then untangling it was a nightmare.  I eventually ditched the hoops and kept the bats for future crafting, such as this!  I wrapped the thread around the middle of the bat and used it as an anchor to put a pin through, attaching it to the fabric, between the sheers.

The Mad Scientist Mortuary!

This area is pretty much the same each year.  I added black spider webbing onto the lamps though.  

A Creepy Corner!

Usually I only show 3 or 4 primary spots of Halloween decor on here, but there are all sorts of other little spooked up nooks in the house, I just can't get them to photographer well.  This is one of those crannies that I was finally able to capture.  It is the end tables between the living room furniture.

Even though I did a lot of the same styling in the decorating as I do each year, it still took me about 3 days to get everything done.  I read somewhere that to simplify your decorating you should store each section of items together.  Such as don't store all the blow molds together but put the group that go on the sideboard together along with all sideboard Halloween decor in one storage bin.  It makes sense and would immensely speed up the process of set up but it's not practical for me. I've got too much demented decor and not enough crypt storage space!


  1. Love, love, love, Mary! Especially that party book and the bats! I think I'm going to have to do those bats next year. So cute!

  2. Thanks ever so much Jenn! Happy Halloween!

