Saturday, April 11, 2020

Easter Egg Kit Garland

I've got a thing for vintage papery stuff, especially if it's packaging.  I think everything I bought for easter this season has all been papery in some way.  I also have a thing for making wreaths and garlands.  I didn't make a wreath for easter this year, although I had full intentions of doing so.
The world got in the way, but I was able to pull a cute garland together.

Vintage Easter egg dye kits are some of my favorite packaging.  I only own two but there are plenty of great examples out in internet land.

I found four designs that I thought looked nice together and printed them out.  I then backed each in pink cardstock that I cut the edges with a pair of scalloped scissors. 

Lastly I attached the prints to some decorative trim I had in my stash.  I also ended each side with some scrap ribbon and rick rack.

You can find these designs along with many more on my Pinterest Easter Egg Kits Board.

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