Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Decor 2020

This year I found a way to do Easter adornments using my own slightly gothy and deteriorated decorating style!

I already owned pretty much everything seen.  I collect old stuffed animals and a few years ago realized most of them were rabbits, which meant they could do a grand easter showing. 

I picked up the easter baskets over the last few years just so we each had something for Mr. Cottontail to place a few treats in.  I am using them as display for now until Easter Eve.

Some of my new vintage Easter purchases this year.
Sweet little honeycomb hunny bunnies!

I am nuts about those vintage Meyercord water decals depicting lively stuffed animals (check out PB's nursery)!
I printed out a few that featured bunnies and a chick (Easter appropriate) on a large format printer at our local library several months ago to use as wall decor. 

I placed the 'new' napkins inside little woven wicker basket purses along with some plastic grass and eggs.  The runner table covering thingie underneath is a piece of remnant wall paper found at an estate sale.

I love spun satin ball critters!  These little guys are all from estate sales over the last 2 years.  I got the plastic flowers from a church rummage sale,  the basket and clear Easter grass are from a thrift store.
I threw everything together and am calling it the centerpiece! 

The area on top of the china cabinet is always hard to photograph due to being back-lit but I was able to snap this pic during a moment of overcast.
These most adorable bunnies are over 2 1/2 feet tall and in pristine condition.  I found them at estate sales several years back.

So there you have it!  My first full fledged Easter decorating.  I was able to find a way to come to a compromise with this pastely pukey holiday and do it mmmmyyyy waaay!

Bitten off all your chocolate bunny ears and need some additional sweets to enjoy?!
Click on the 'easter' label below left for some past Easterific posts.
And for virtual Easter adornments hop over to my Basket Case Pinterest Board
🐣  🐣  🐣