Monday, August 10, 2020

$7,500 Butterscotch Chewy Cake

You know I get a thrill from making recipes worth gobs of money!

This recipe for Butterscotch Chewy Cake won Mrs. Richard Enloe $7,500 bucks at
Pillsbury's 6th grand National Baking Contest in 1954.  

Besides the high prize props the recipe totes, I also liked that it is comprised of basic on-hand ingredients.  

I had a difficult time telling when this cake was done and I think I may have over baked it.  The bottom layer had the texture of hard tack, which I don't think was proper.  It's called Chewy Cake not Tooth Chipper Cake.

The top section of the cake retained some of it's chewiness and was pretty good.
 I had already planned on pairing the cake with some homemade ice cream as the original serving suggestion showed, this helped to soften the cake up a bit.
The ice cream recipe is up next, no crank required!

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