Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Banana Caramel Ice Cream

Did you know there are multiple ways to serve bananas?  It's not enough to break one off the bunch, then peel and eat it.  You have got to do something with them.  Some options include mashing them into meat loaves or rolling chunks in corn meal and passing them off as seafood.

Today I offer a more sane approach to serving them.... as ice cream!

The great thing about this homemade ice cream is not needing one of those huge electric ice cream maker machines which has to be stored in the garage up on a top shelf because it's rarely used and then fully sanitized before each use because a family of spiders moved in.  Sure it sounds "fun" to make your own ice cream.  There's the big bag of ice you have to lug home and then sourcing the rock salt is quite a treat.  But the real fun to me is cleaning up the nasty rock salt ice sludge afterwards!  The reality is that there is this place called a grocery store where they sell 500 different flavors of ice cream at 3/4 the cost of doing it yourself and the only clean up is a spoon, if you just eat from the carton.  But!  If you must insist on the homemade thing then consider this version. It only requires your fridge, an ice cube tray,  and a few simple ingredients.

This recipe is so great it brings bananas to life, making them want to hold a block of butter over a massive gift box containing charcoal bickettes...and wear shoes.

On taste, I would say it needed more banana.  On texture, it was a bit crumbly.
Recipe rescue:  Go to the grocery store and buy vanilla ice cream, add a mashed banana and banana extract, top with caramel sauce.

If you need another idea for serving bananas consider turning them into these
most delicious cookies laden with a double dose of bananas!

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